Terms And Conditions |
Access to and use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions listed below. By using this website, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions provided herein. |
Except for the license granted by these terms and conditions, all right, title and interest in the data contained on this website, in all languages, formats and media throughout the world, including all copyrights, are the exclusive property of Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC. Users of this website may not copy, download, store, publish, transmit, transfer, sell or otherwise use the data contained in this website, or any portion of that data, in any form or by any means except as expressly authorized by these terms and conditions. Users of this website shall not sell, license or distribute the data contained on this website, or any portion of that data, in any form to third parties, or use the data contained on this website as a component or as a basis for any material offered for sale, license or distribution. Use of the data contained on this website for commercial purposes or for distribution to third parties is strictly prohibited. |
The website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as an attempt to collect a debt. The fact that a property appears on this website is not a reflection of the credit worthiness of any party, because foreclosures can occur for any number of reasons. The mortgagor, owner or occupant may not even be personally liable or responsible for payment of the debt on the property. |
Nothing in this website is intended to be or should be construed to be legal advice or legal opinion. This website is not intended to establish or create an attorney-client relationship. The receipt of information from this website does not constitute an attorney-client relationship and under no circumstances should you construe any interaction with this website as creating an attorney-client relationship. You should seek independent legal counsel before acting upon any of the information contained this website. Likewise, nothing in this website should be considered investment advice. Users of this website should consult with their own attorney, broker, or other financial advisor prior to making any investment. Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC shall have no liability for investment decisions made by any user of this website based upon the information contained on this website. |
Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC make no representation that any property listed on this website will be sold at foreclosure on the dates listed on this website or on any other date, nor that any bid information is accurate. Bid information is simply an estimate and subject to change, and the user of this site waives any and all claims against Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC resulting from reliance on bid information. Users of this website agree that use of this website and the information contained therein is at their sole risk. Neither Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC, its partners, associates or staff warrant the accuracy of the data contained on this website, the results that may be obtained from the use of this website, or the continuous or free access to the website. Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC reserve the right to limit or prohibit access to anyone, at any time, for any reason. |
Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC make no representations as to the existence of other liens on the properties listed on this website, nor to the conditions of any of the properties listed herein. Users of this website should perform or obtain their own searches of the land records in the county in which the properties listed in this website are contained to satisfy themselves as to the status of the title and existence of other liens on the properties, and should satisfy themselves as to the condition of the properties listed on this website by appropriate methods. |
Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC reserve the right to change or discontinue at any time this website or any aspect of it. |
Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC shall have no liability whatsoever to any user of this website for any claim(s) relating in any way to their use of this website or the data contained on this website, regardless of the form of action, whether based in contract or tort. Morris|Hardwick|Schneider, LLC and/or Landcastle Title, LLC shall not be liable to any user of this website for any lost profits or other consequential, exemplary, punitive, incidental, indirect or special damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this website. |
These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to this website, and supercede any and all prior understandings and agreements, oral or written, relating to this website. These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed under the laws of the State of Georgia. |